White Dragon Cup results

The White Dragon Cup and two intense days of competition are behind us!

And we are ready to share you the photos from the tournament: https://photos.app.goo.gl/Ahjpv3gmEnai8jLD6 📷

Prize places at the tournament were taken by:

  1. 🥇 Danylo Shatokhin
  2. 🥈 Anton Ovcharenko
  3. 🥉 Danylo Tkach
  4. 🎈 Ihor Mukha

Congratulations for the winners!

We are infinitely grateful to all players for their participation and support, because it is only thanks to you and for you that we continue to organize tournaments 💛

We are already waiting for the next ranking tournament and hope to see you again at it!

IORMC 2023 Results

This year, the team from Ukraine managed to take third place at the International Online Riichi Mahjong Competition.

Also, one of our participants took third place in the individual tournament.

Congratulations to the winners!

Yakuza Cup despite everything

On August 26 and 27, the Yakuza Cup, the first two-day mahjong tournament since the beginning of the full-scale invasion, will be held in Kyiv.
It will not be a ranking tournament, but a full-fledged championship with a distance of 8 hanchans, a cup, prizes and souvenirs, as in previous years.
Also, there will be acadores, open tanyao, all yakumanas including doubles at full price and abortive transfers.
No EMA, just real riichi, clear as a crystal tear.

The participation fee is 1000 UAH which can be paid on the spot or immediately.

Players are encouraged to have a Mahjong tracker app to keep track of points and be there on time on the first day to register. Registration will begin at ten o’clock on Saturday, August 26.

Address of the event: Panas Myrny Street, 9B. Japan Dojo.

Stand for Ukraine Richi Mahjong Online Tournament

Citizens of Ukraine are now suffering from russian invasion. Ukrainian Mahjong Federation is making this tournament to support ukrainian army and hope that other players can help us protect and support peace and democracy in Ukraine.

Time: May 21, 2022 11:00 (UTC+3).

Registration deadline May 19.

Platform: MahjongSoul

Happy New Year!

Dear mahjong players of Ukraine!

We have the best wishes for you 🤗

Let the coming year be the time to overcome new heights; stronger, faster, smarter. Let drive and inspiration capture your hearts and ignite your eyes, like that tiger in the dark 😈 Let the light stripes dominate the black ones in your life. Let flair and dexterity be directed towards good — and your loved ones will become a reliable support in any situation.

Achievements, success, good luck! Happy New Year 2022!